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A Nun’s Life podcasts are programs about prayer, faith, community, spirituality, and many other topics!  


Nov 13, 2012

IGF023 In Good Faith with author and funeral director Thomas Lynch, recorded live on November 2, 2012. Produced by Ministry. Topics include: All Souls Day; fear, faith and parenthood; poetry and undertaking; The Sin-Eater and more!

Nov 9, 2012

IGF022 In Good Faith with filmmaker Mary Fishman, recorded live on October 24, 2012. Produced by Ministry. Topics include: the making of the movie Band of Sisters, the sisters' stories, changing hearts and minds through film.

Nov 2, 2012

AS121 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on October 17, 2012. Sponsored by ministry.
Topics include: too soon to talk vocation?, clairvoyant scripture, biggest challenges that nuns face, and more!